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Aldershot Snowsports for the Disabled

Aldershot Snowsports for the Disabled is a registered Community Amateur Sports Club that allows people of all ages to experience different types of snowsports in a safe and secure environment. Learning how to ski and snowboard is good for building strength, coordination and confidence, and is also great fun!

The Club has over 100 members and we aim to cater for every standard and for most disabilities. Our current members range from complete beginners to more advanced skiers and boarders. A number of our skiers have also joined the slope’s race training sessions and have also competed in the Special Olympics World Games.

Sit ski on lift 2
Tracey skiing assisted with a tether
PSV 2019

Snowsports for all

ASD provides opportunities for disabled people to experience skiing and snowboarding, mainly through its monthly sessions at the Aldershot dry ski slope, although it also provides trips throughout the year to enable disabled people to experience snowsports on real snow.

ASD Session loading the lift at the slop

ASD News

Most Improved Skier Awards 2022

Most Improved Skier Awards 2022

Congratulations to Luca and Daisy for winning the most improved skier award for 2022! Both skiers have shown tremendous improvement throughout the year and have grown in confidence as they ski down the slalom race course at Aldershot. 

BBC South East Sport’s Unsung Hero 2021

BBC South East Sport’s Unsung Hero 2021

Congratulations to Ian Edwards, one of our key Volunteers, who has won the 2021 BBC South East Sport’s Unsung Hero Award. In addition to Volunteering at ASD, Ian also runs the Southern Ski Club for the Disabled and the SSCD Guide Training courses. The Unsung Hero...